Jõulupidu ja verivorstitegu. Christmas Party & sausage making.

Verivorstitegu - 27.novembril, 9 e.l. - 2 p.l.
(North Chelmsfordi kirik (15 Princeton Street, North Chelmsford, MA)
Kas sa tahad õppida verivorsti tegemist? Kui sulle maitsevad verivortid ja sa tahad seda teha toredas seltskonnas siis tule ja ühine meiega. Verivorste pakutakse Jõulupeol 12.dets. Kõikidel verivorti tegijatel on võimalik ka vorste viia koju Jõuludeks.
Seltsi juhatuse poolt palume, et teataksite ette kui olete tulemas vorste väänama ning palju plaanite putru kaasa teha. Pudru retsept on lisatud. Kui sul ei ole võimalik osavõtta verivorsti tegemisest aga sa sooviksid verivorsti osta siis palun võta ühendust Riina või Pauliga.
Palun emailige Paul Attemanni’le, attemann@hotmail.com või (401) 245-5525. Samuti võtame vastu ettetellimusi vorstide müügiks jõulupeol ($10/nael), teata Riina Viisele (781) 831- 1742 või rmviise@gmail.com
Tangupudru retsept!
1 nael tange
2 suurt sibulat (peeneks hakitud ja kergelt smooritud - mitte praadida, kuna see teeb kibeda maitse)
1 nael peekonit (hakitud), Canadian bacon või teist sealiha, ka hakitud
vett või leent (1 osa tange, 3 osa vett või natukene rohkem)
(puder võiks ennemini olla natukene pehmem ja vedelam)
Christmas sausage making (aka blood sausages) November 27th, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Would you like to learn how to make verivorstid/Christmas Sa
usage? Do you already know how, but would like to do so with a fun group in a large kitchen? Interested BES members will meet at 9 am on Saturday, November 27th to make verivorstid. Each participant will be able to take home some sausages and whatever we have left over will be frozen and sold to the public at the Christmas party on December 12th.
If you plan to join us, please let us know in advance via email to Paul Attemann, attemann@hotmail.com or call (401) 245-5525. Sausages can be preordered for pickup ($10/lb) at the Christmas party by emailing Riina Viise at rmviise@gmail.com, or (781) 831-1742.
Event will take place at the North Chelmsford Congregational Church, 15 Princeton Street, North Chelmsford, MA.
Sausage stuffing recipe
Please bring a pot of cooked barley - this will speed up the process! The recipe is simple:
1 lb barley
2 onions diced
diced Canadian bacon, salt, pepper, marjoram.
Cook barley in water according to the package instructions. Its better when the cooked barley is nice and moist.
BESi Jõulupidu - 12.detsembril, algusega kell 3:30 p.l.
(North Chelmsfordi kirik, 15 Princeton Street, North Chelmsford, MA)
Seltsi juhatusel on rõõm teatada, et saame taas üheskoos Jõulupidu tähistada. Kavas on traditsiooniline verivorsti jõuluroog, koolilaste esinemine ja muidugi jõululoterii. Jõulukiriku teenistus toimub eraldi Zoomi kaudi ja eraldi teade saadetakse välja selle kohta. Kuulda on ka, et Jõuluvana lubas seltsirahvast külastada olenemata kas lund on või mitte!
Jõuluroog täiskasvanule - $15
Lapsed (8 -15a.) ja pensonärid - $10
Palume kõikidel austada üksteist ja oma südametunnistuse järgi kanda maski olenevalt vajadusele!
Kohtumiseni Jõulupeol!
BES Christmas party – December 12th at 3:30 p.m.
(North Chelmsford Congregational Church, 15 Princeton Street, North Chelmsford, MA)
We are pleased to announce that we can celebrate Christmas together again. The program includes a traditional blood sausage Christmas dish, a performance by BES schoolchildren and, of course, a Christmas lottery. The service of the Christmas Church will take place separately via Zoom and a separate notice will be sent. It is also rumored that Santa Claus (Jõuluvana) promised to visit, regardless of whether it is snowing or not!
Christmas meal for adult - $15
Christmas meal for child (8-15 years) and seniors - $10
Please everyone respects each other and wear a mask according to their conscience as needed!
Hope to see you all at the Christmas party!
Pane kalendrisse / Save the date
EV104 BESi Eesti Iseseisvuspäeva tähistamine - 27. veebruar, 2022
Scandinavian Living Center, West Newton, MA.
Täpsemalt kellaajast ja programmist järgmises ringkirjas.
104th Estonian Independence Day Celebration - February 27, 2022
Scandinavian Living Center, West Newton, MA.
Program and time details to follow in the next newsletter.
Baltic Boston Film Festival 2022 - February 25-27, 2022 (in person and virtual)
Emerson College, Boston, MA
More information: https://artsemerson.org/
ESTO Ski 2022 – March 10-13, 2022
Great news...Jay Peak reservations has reported that a little over 100 ESTOS have already booked their accommodations for ESTO Ski 2022...woohoo!
They've also reminded us it's likely going to be "full house" during our weekend of March 10th - 13th. So please, if you're thinking about coming, book your lodgings right away so you don't get shut out trying to book last minute. Prior to calling the central reservations office at Jay Peak (800-451-4449 open 8am to 4pm) please visit the Jay Peak Resort website https://jaypeakresort.com/trip-planning/lodging for unit locations using the resort map link provided, unit descriptions and photos.
PLEASE NOTE - ESTO Ski 2022 has secured a 25% discount off Jay Peak retail rates so be sure to mention/ask for the "Estonia Discount" (or group # 936658) as it will be provided across all units at the Jay Peak resort.
Please keep an eye out for more info to follow regarding our sponsorships, social events, itinerary and costs. We hope you will plan to attend and help make more great ESTO Ski memories for 2022.
Contact Aini Maripuu with any question: Lee.Maripuu@audacy.com
Organized by the Eesti Spordiliit Ski Trip Team