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Tihe sügis on käes! Boston Baltic Film Festival, Heinavanker, Verivorstide talgud, BESi Jõulupidu ja

(English version follows after the Estonian version)

Boston Baltic Film Festival

Sel aastal, Oktoober 18 - Oktoober 20, toimub teine Balti filmide festival Bostonis, Emerson College'i ruumides (Paramount Center, 559 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111). Kokku linastatakse 8 filmi ja nende hulgas ka Eestis ja välismaal sooja vastuvõtu osaliseks saanud Seltsimees Laps ja dokumentaalfilm Eesti maailmarändurist ja purjetajast Ahto: Unistuste Jaht. Sarnaselt eelmisele aastale on ka filmitegijate paneel ja Eestit esindab seal Ahto produtsent Erik Norkroos (koos Q&A-ga). Lisaks kahele toredale Eesti filmile on valikus ka mõnusaid Läti ja Leedu viimase aja hittfilmid. Toetatud Boston Eesti Seltsi poolt.

Kinokava ja üritustega saab tutvuda

Tuntud Eesti kunstik Bostonist, Helga Roht Poznanski, kunsti näitlus

Helga Roht Poznanski on väärikas ja tunnustatud Eesti päritolu kunstnik, kes elab ja tegutseb Bostonis ja Maine's. Pikaaegne pühendumus ja andekus päädis James ja Audrey Foster'i auhinnaga. Maineka auhinnaga kaasneb ka Helga isikunäituse korraldamine Moodsa Kunsti Instituudis (ICA). Näituse avamine toimus juba 21. augustil, kuid õnneks on võimalik seda külastada kuni 5. jaanuar. Kasutage kindlasti võimalust näituse väisamiseks, et tutvuda Helga töödega ja nautida kõrgetasemelist kunsti! Rohkem infot:

Ansambel Heinavankera, kaks konsertid New England’is!

Suurepärane ansambel Eestist tulnud Heinavanker esineb kahes kohas meie kandis:

26. oktoobril kell 7:30 p.l. Houghton Memorial Chapel Wellesley College, 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02481.

27. oktooberil kell 7:00 p.l. Keiser Concert Series, St. Paul’s School, 325 Pleasant St,

Concord, NH, 03301

ERKÜ galaõhtu ja aastakoosolek Washington D.C.’is novembris

Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides kutsub Teid ERKÜ galaõhtuseks ja JBANC konverentsile 9. novembril ilusas Marriott Wardman Park hotellis. Galaõhtul on ettenähtud haruldaste eesti+ ja JBANC ühiskonna liikmete tänamist, natuke naeru, head muusikat ja seltskonda, ning sneakpeek: Broadwayle suunduva muusikalile Singing Revolution. Muusikali idee autor Tony Spinosa on meil galal, et tutvustada, kust tuli tema inspiratsioon. Külalistele esineb ka tuntud eesti koreograf Märt Agu oma tantsijatega. Märt on üks selle muusikali koreografidest ning on loota, et esitlusele tuleb esmakordselt üks ´show´ numbritest. Seotud kohtumised algavad juba reedel 8. novembril Kapitooliumi piirkonnas kus toimub Baltic Advocacy Day. 10. novembril peetakse ERKÜ aastakoosolek sammas kohas.

BES Verivorstide Talgud

Et jõulupeo ajal kõigil kõhud täis oleksid, on tarvis taaskord ettevõtta verivorstide tegu. Seetõttu kutsume julgeid gastronoomiahuvilisi 30. novembril, algates 9:00 kuni 2:00 p.l., North Chelmsfordi Congregational kirikusse, 15 Princeton Street, N. Chelmsford, MA. Oma tulekust palume teada anda

BESi jõulupuu ja -kirik

Sel aastal toimub jõulupidu ja -kirik pühapäeval 15. detsembril. Jumalateenistus algab kell 2:00 p.l.. ning seltsi jõulupidu umbes kell 4:00 p.l. Rohkem infot tuleb järgmises ringkirjas, aga juba preagu ootame vabatahtlikke endast märku andma, kes saavad ja soovivad peo korraldamisega aidata. Ilma abita ei saa peo läbi viia! Oma soovist aidata palume teatada


Boston Baltic Film Festival

The second annual Baltic Film Festival in Boston from Friday, October 18th - Sunday, October 20th, presents three days of the latest award-winning films from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. World-class feature films and documentaries for all generations — a unique opportunity to get to know the Baltic soul — creative, reflective, and rebellious. From the drama of high seas to the mysteries of our own back gardens, this festival offers a look into the modern Baltic film landscape. Organized by American Latvian National League and Baltic film committee, in collaboration with Arts Emerson. Two Estonian films will be featured, The Little Comrade and Ahto, Chasing A Dream. Join us for panel discussions and Q&As with directors and producers including Ahto producer Erik Norkroos. Sponsored in part by Boston Estonian Sociey. Visit:

Renown Estonian artist, Helga Roht Poznanski, at the Institue of Contemporary Art, Boston

Helga Roht Poznanski, is an accomplished and renown Estonian artist that lives and works in Boston and Kennebunkport, Maine. In 2018, Helga was awarded the 2019 James and Audrey Foster Prize Award, which will also result in an exhibition organized by Ruth Erickson, Mannion Family Curator, on view now at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston until January 5, 2020.

More information about her can be seen at

Heinavanker, Estonian Vocal Ensemble, in New England!

October 26, 7:30 PM, Houghton Memorial Chapel Wellesley College, 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02481, ttps://

October 27, 7:00 PM, Keiser Concert Series, St. Paul’s School, 325 Pleasant St, Concord, NH, 03301

Heinavanker, an Estonian vocal ensemble under the direction of composer Margo Kõlar, is a convocation of a few of Estonia’s finest voices performing ageless music, ancient to modern. While rooted in liturgical chant and Renaissance polyphony, the group’s repertoire also makes room for vitalizing arrangements of early Estonian folk hymns and runic songs and sacred works by contemporary composers such as Arvo Pärt and Cyrillus Kreek. In Europe, Heinavanker has been a familiar presence on festival and concert stages and on radio for three decades, and the group has toured Europe, South America, and North America with performances and master classes. Free and open to the public.

ERKÜ (EANC) Annual Meeting & Gala Night in Washington D.C.

November 8 – Baltic Advocacy Day

November 9 - The 2019 Awards Gala (hosted by the Estonian American National Council), and the 13th JBANC Baltic Conference, both held at the elegant Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, bring together community leaders, cultural figures, and foreign policy experts, as well as friends and other distinguished supporters of the Estonian-American and JBANC communities to celebrate our work, our culture, and our shared accomplishments, to look to the future - together! We are celebrating community + culture and all of you!

November 10 – EANC Annual Meeting, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel

Christmas Sausage preparation

To provide a Christmas meal during the Christmas Party we will gather once again at North Chelmsford Congregational Church (15 Princeton Street, N. Chelmford, MA) on Saturday, November 30th from 9:00-2:00. All gastronomically inspired folks are invited to join us. For details, and to let us know we can count you in, please contact:

BES Christmas service and banquet

The annual Christmas church service and banquet will take place on Sunday, December 15th starting at 2:00 PM. As in years past, it will take place at North Chelmsford Congregational Church (15 Princeton Street, N. Chelmford, MA). Details to follow in a subsequent newsletter, however, we urge that people that are willing and interested in helping organize the Christmas cheer contact us sooner rather than later. Without YOUR help, we will not be able to prepare and serve our beloved Christmas dinner of Christmas sausage, roasted potatoes and homemade sauerkraut. If you can volunteer to help please contact


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