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„Masters of Our Own Homes: Estonia at 100“ - Opening Ceremony in Boston!

Please join us for the Opening Ceremony of the Special Exhibit „Masters of Our Own Homes: Estonia at 100“ on Saturday, October 27th at 5 p.m. at Rose Kennedy Greenway at Rowes Wharf Plaza, (intersection of Atlantic Avenue and High Street, across from the Boston Harbor Hotel).

Reception to follow around the corner at Fin Point Oyster & Grill (89 Broad Street) from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Hors d'oeuvres provided by BES, cash bar. Please RSVP:

Hope to see you there!


Näitus "Masters of Our Own Homes: Estonia at 100" on suurim rändnäitus Eestist ja loodud tähistamaks Eesti 100. sünnipäeva Põhja-Ameerikas. Näitust on eksponeeritud 2018. aasta mai-juunis Stanfordis, september-oktoober Torontos ning 27. novembril avatakse näitus Bostonis, kuhu see jääb kuuks ajaks. Pärast Bostionit sõidab näitus edasi Washingtoni, kus seda eksponeeritakse Folklife Festivali raames. Näituse eesmärgiks on näidata Eestit vaatamata oma väärikale vanusele uudishimuliku, arengujõulise, loomingulise ja nooruslikuna. Kõlama peaks jääma just eestlaste visadus, mis on viinud Eesti 21. sajandil tehnoloogiliste lahenduste lipulaevaks. Läbi viie teema, milleks on ajalugu, kultuur, eestlaste olemus, kuulsad maailmakodanikud ja innovatsioon, avame Eestiga seotud lahendusi ning uuenduslikke liikumisi, mis pakuksid äratundmist nii välis-eestlastele kui inspiratsiooni mistahes maailma paigas elavatele inimestele. Ühtlasi on näitus mõeldud tutvustama Eesti disaini ja teenuseid, planeerima siia puhkusereisi ning otsima koostööd siinsete ettevõtetega.


An amazing traveling exhibit, "Masters of Our Own Homes: Estonia at 100" will be arriving in Boston on October 22, 2018. The exhibit pavilion will be on display at the Rose Kennedy Greenway, Parcel 17, from October 24 - November 27, 2018, including during the Boston Baltic Centennial Celebration on November 23- 25 at Copley Square (http:// The exhibit was created by Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom in Tallinn, Estonia to commemorate a century since the founding of the Republic of Estonia. It has been displayed at Stanford University in California and at Tartu College in Toronto. From Boston it will travel to Washington, DC. The exhibit pavilion with light installations is 39 feet long and 12 feet high. It is compiled of 244 panels, each one telling a small part of Estonia's colorful and exciting history as well as featuring highlights of present-day Estonia. Five topics - history, culture, what it means to be Estonian, famous citizens of the world, and innovation - feature solutions and contemporary movements associated with Estonia that are recognized by Estonians abroad and are an inspiration to people all over the world.

The exhibit also introduces Estonian design and service industries, encouraging people to travel to Estonia and search for collaborative opportunities with local businesses. The exhibit was created by Estonians living at home and abroad. Students, businesses, a number of Estonian photographers including Annika Haasi, Birgit Püve, and Triin Kerge as well as many Estonian museums contributed to the completion of the exhibit. They recorded a story of Estonia that they wish to share with the world to celebrate Estonia's birthday. The exhibit was created by Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom with the support of the Republic of Estonia Government Office Estonia 100 program, and in collaboration with the Stanford University Library, the Washington Estonian Embassy, and the Estonian Studies Centre/VEMU: Museum of Estonians Abroad.

Support for the installation in Boston came from Andrew Prozes, Mart Ojamaa, ZVI Construction Co. LLC, Boston Estonian Society Inc., Estonian Honorary Consulate in Boston, Estonian American National Council, Inc., and the Baltic American Society of New England, Inc. All those who are interested can read more about the exhibit on the Facebook page Masters of Our Own Homes: Estonia at 100 (

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