STILL ON! RAIN OR SHINE. „Masters of Our Own Homes: Estonia at 100“ - Opening Ceremony in Boston
The opening ceremony and reception is still planned for Saturday! We can brave the elements for a few minutes! The ceremony will be...

„Masters of Our Own Homes: Estonia at 100“ - Opening Ceremony in Boston!
Please join us for the Opening Ceremony of the Special Exhibit „Masters of Our Own Homes: Estonia at 100“ on Saturday, October 27th at 5...

BES Üritused: Kool, Kirik, Baltic Boston Centennial, Verivorstide talgud, Jõulukirik ja -puu, ERKÜ
Bostoni Eesti Kool Igal teisel pühapäeval alates 9. septembrist on koolilapsed koos käinud North Chelmsfordi Congregational kirikus....
BES Events: School, Church, Baltic Boston Centennial, Christmas sausage making, Christmas Church and
BES Estonian School Beginning September 9th , alternating Sundays bring together students to the North Chelmsford Congregational Church....